Employment Listings FAQ

I just want to talk to a human being; who can I contact?

Please contact Employment Services by e-mail at careers@aarsbl.org.  


Do I have to be a member of the American Academy of Religion or Society of Biblical Literature to advertise in Employment Listings?

No. Anyone may post an advertisement.


Are Employment Listings advertisements available in a print format?

No. Employment Listings advertisements are only available online.  For this reason, we cannot provide “tear sheets” to advertisers. We strongly encourage employers to print invoices and copies of advertisements. 


When are Employment Listings advertisements published and are there deadlines?

There are no submission or publication deadlines.  Employment Listings advertisements are run continuously throughout the calendar year and advertisements are auto-published on the website. Publication dates are selected by employers. 


What does an Employment Listings ad cost?

Employment Listings ads are $60 per week for up to 52 weeks, with a minimum of 4 weeks ($240). Starting August 1, 2024, we will have a new pricing structure of $87.50 per week, available in four-week increments up to 52 weeks. Accordingly, the minimal four-week posting will cost $350, an eight-week posting will cost $700, etc. This is the first price increase in a number of years and is necessary in order to maintain the existing platform and invest in future enhancements for the Employment Services site.


How do I make payment for an Employment Listings advertisement?

Payment can be made online at the time of submission by credit card. Listings are not published until payment is received. Payment by check is not accepted.


How does one submit an advertisement for Employment Listings?

Advertisements for Employment Listings must be submitted online through Employment Services.  Advertisements submitted by e-mail, fax, or surface mail will not be accepted.


How can I see my advertisement?

Anyone logged into www.aarsbl.org as an SBL or AAR member or employer may view advertisements.


How may I make a change to our advertisement (change logo, typographical error, have the ad removed, etc.)?
You may make changes to your advertisement by going to the Employment Listings submission page and clicking the edit link that allows you to modify a submitted advertisement.  Alternately, you may contact Employment Services at 404-727-2286 or careers@aarsbl.org


Can I change the active period for an Employment Listings advertisement?

Generally, yes.  If the ad has not been published, you may change both the start and end dates.  If the ad is currently published, you will only be able to change the end date.  Ads that have recently expired (less than 30 days) may be extended. Ads that are expired (30 days or more) may be copied and published again as a new ad.

How do I subscribe to receive new job postings via email?


Members of AAR and SBL may now subscribe to receive new job postings via email, as soon as they are posted:

1. If not already logged in, log in here


2. Go to this link https://www.aarsbl.org/user

4. Click the subscriptions tab

5. Click the Categories button in the top right

6. Select the areas of interest

7. Click Save.

You have now subscribed to receive email notifications of new postings..



What do all of the abbreviations in the ad mean?

In cases of ambiguity, you should certainly contact the advertiser.  However, there are some common abbreviations that appear in Employment Listings advertisements:


AOS                Area of Specialization

AOC               Area of Competence

ABD                All But Dissertation

CV                   Curriculum Vitae

STD                Doctorate of Sacred Theology

AA                  Affirmative Action

AAE                Affirmative Action Employer

EEO                Equal Employment Opportunity

EO                  Equal Opportunity

EOE                Equal Opportunity Employer

OEO               Office of Equal Opportunity

ADA               Americans with Disabilities Act

BFOQ             Bona Fide Occupational Qualification

How can I get the AAR Federal Tax ID Number or address, which our institution requires to process a payment?

The AAR's Federal Tax ID number is 20-5478525.  Our address is:

American Academy of Religion
825 Houston Mill RD STE 300
Atlanta, GA 30329-4205